See How Our Microscopes Are Helping Drive Scientific Research

Used in 1,200+ Research Papers Worldwide.

Explore how our customers are using ECHO systems for impactful research using our Publication Database.

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Frequently Asked Questions

You can reference our microscopes within your publication as:

[Rebel, Revolve, Revolution, or ECHO Confocal] Microscope, Discover Echo, San Diego, CA, USA‘.

Absolutely! You can filter the table to search for a specific keyword or application and export the table via Excel, CSV, or PDF.

You may also contact us and we can help gather a list of publications for you that is related to your research.

Our systems are used in a wide variety of applications. Please contact us to see if your research can benefit from our microscopes.

Want to see our microscopes in action?

Schedule an in-person demo with your samples or a quick 10-minute virtual demo.